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H'YELLO! My name is MeowkBerryIsAGrossBerry/MeowkBerry or just Mark. I am an guy from Bosnia.

My interests include...

I might put information regarding my writing here later on.

My writing includes three main stories, only two currently being planned to be drawn.

Supversu (soup-ver-soo): Vitrelka, a woman with PTSD from war, joins the protectorates - a branch of the police force that focuses on people with powers. (First part of the story is about her helping a traumatised girl and keeping her from murdering a former cop)(Second part is about the brother of Vitrelkas boss trying to kill everyone)

Kvarshkas Normal Life: Kvarshka, a young adult punk who has stolen a baton from a cop before, is dimensionally fucked up and is able to talk to YOU. The story is just him and other characters dicking around.

Along and Across the East: 3 Eastern Europeans and a child try to stop the Terror, a force that is slowly killing every Eastern European one country by one. (They have to go from country to country because they think vampires are connected to the Terror). This one is part of a larger series.

Besides that, I have smaller possible stories in mind.

Game mods I like

Alternative muzik